工商時報【湯名潔】 中文裡有個成語叫「畫蛇添足」,意思是指做了多餘的事,不但無益,反而有害。說、寫英文時,我們常常因一念之差,加上不必要的字,變成了畫蛇添足。以下就是5個典型的例子,請試著把多餘的「腳」去掉吧! Debug 1.It is five past nine o'clock. 現在是9點5分。 2.Demonstrants are increasing in their numbers. 示威者的人數正在增加中。 3.I did not mean to make you so angry on purpose. 我不是故意要讓你如此生氣。 4.It is very dark. We can't hardly see the traffic signs. 天色很暗,我們幾乎看不見交通標誌。 5.The answer is "B", I suppose it. 我想,答案是「B」。 Debugged 1.It is five past nine. 表示整點的時間才會加o'clock,9點5分不是整點,o'clock須刪掉。 2.Demonstrants are increasing in number. in number是一個固定片語,表示「在數目上」,number前面不加冠詞或所有格,後面也不加s。 3.I did not mean to make you so angry. mean本身就含「有…意圖」,所以有了mean,就不用加on purpose,本句也可以保留on purpose而刪去mean。 4.It is very dark. We can hardly see the traffic signs. hardly本身已有否定的意思,解釋為「幾乎不」,所以不用再加not。 5.The answer is "B", I suppose. I suppose、I guess、I think、I believe…在類似的口語用法中,不須再加代名詞。 | ||||||||||||||
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